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US Army Corps of Engineers Fox Point Hurricane Barrier Completion Major Overhaul Contract W912WJ-C-10-0013

US Army Corps of Engineers Fox Point Hurricane Barrier Completion Major Overhaul Contract W912WJ-C-10-0013

US Army Corps of Engineers Fox Point Hurricane Barrier Completion Major Overhaul Contract W912WJ-C-10-0013

Fox Point Hurricane Barrier

The City of Providence is protected from flooding conditions by the Fox Point Hurricane Barrier.  It has five 650,000 GPM pumps driven by 4,500HP electric motors on each pump. The site was constructed in the 1960’s for the protection of downtown Providence after the great New England Hurricane of 1938.  Installed in the mid 1960’s by the Army Corps of Engineers and transferred operation to the City of Providence. In 2010 the USACE took over the site and issued contract W912WJ-C-10-0013 to overhaul Pumps No. 1 and No. 5 for overhaul, as the original propellers had failed with broken blades. Pump No. 5 was re-commissioned for service in November of 2011 and Pump No. 1 was re-commissioned for service in June of 2012. Chas G Allen identified latent defects in the original castings, digitized the component the component for a more control pattern and robust design…….

a.Date of Award: 04/27/2010
b.Original Contract Completion Date: 07/18/2011
c.Revised Contract Completion Date: 07/22/2012
d.Date Work Accepted: 06/30/2012

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Pump No. 1 Inspection

Pump No. 5 Inspection

Propeller Narrative

Army Corps Contract Evaluation

Diffuser Metal Stitching

Video of pump operation

Coast down of Pump


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