Allen Drill


Contact Allen Drill

  • Tel: (978) 355-2911
  • Fax: (978) 355-2917
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Address: 25 Williamsville Road Barre, MA 01005

Chas. G. Allen, Inc. has manufactured a wide variety of upright sensitive drilling and tapping machines over the last century. From the very sensitive “Super Speed” model up through the powerful #3 power feed machines with a variety of available features. Below is a sampling of some of those machines.

The Super Speed machines were manufactured in two basic models. The model HMDB hand feed machine has a sensitive wooden feed lever and has speed ranges available up to 12,000 RPM. The model HMT was a sensitive tapping machine which operates through a double friction cone arrangement. As fast as an operator could advance and retract the feed lever, the spindle will reverse. Both models are 1⁄2 HP and were available with up to as many as 8 heads on a common base.

The next size up from the Super Speed is the #2 series of drilling and tapping machines. These machines were available in a wide variety of models and even more optional features. The model VB is your basic hand feed drilling machine, model VMT is hand feed with tapping controls, model VDW included automatic power feed and model VCF was for specific applications with the down feed controlled by a cam. These machines were generally 2HP, rated for 1” drilling in cast iron and could be purchased with three different belt drive arrangements.

The next size up was the Model #2 Heavy Duty machine. There were 2 major differences with this machine from the #2 machine shown above. 1.) – The construction of the heads is much more robust. 2.) – This model is available with back gears providing a second lower speed range 1⁄4 of the direct speeds. The model MAV was you basic hand feed machine, model MAVT is hand feed with tapping controls, model MAVDW included automatic power feed and model MAVC was the cam feed version. These machines were also 2HP, but with the lower speed range were rated at 1-1/4” capacity in cast iron.

The next size up was the model #2-1/2 Heavy Duty machine. There were 2 major differences with this machine from the #2 Heavy Duty machine shown above. 1.) – The quill diameter is much larger. 2.) – This machine was available with automatic features allowing the integration of special part fixturing and automatic cycling. All of the model numbers are the same as the #2 Heavy Duty, meaning MAV, MAVT, MAVDW and MAVC. This machine is a 3HP design and is rated for drilling 1-1/2” in cast iron.

The largest standard machine was the model #3 machine. It has all of the features of the #2-1/2 machine shown above, but with more capacity. The models were VC for hand feed drilling, VCT for hand feed with tapping controls, VCDW included automatic power feed and VCCF was the cam feed version. These machines were 5HP and rated at 2” drilling capacity in cast iron.

When calling for help with replacement parts or service, be sure to give us the machine serial number. You will find it stamped in the face of the upper dovetail.